Frequently Asked Questions
Got questions? We can help! Pick a category below for the most common questions and answers.
How do I change my cover photo?
You can change your profile cover photo by navigating to your profile and tapping the option menu located below the cover photo area and to the right of your profile image. Choose the option EDIT COVER PHOTO.
How do I change the groups listed in the My Groups section of my profile?
The My Groups section is based on the groups of which you are an admin, member, or collaborator. It does not include groups that you only follow. You can change your role in a group by visiting the group profile page.
How do I hide my profile from strangers?
Navigate to the My Settings page and tap on the Privacy tab. Set the Profile setting to Private. With this setting enabled, only your profile cover photo, username, name, profile image, and following/follower/post metrics are visible to strangers. Only approved followers can view additional details about your profile.
My profile is set to Private. How do I approve new followers?
When someone taps the follow button on your profile, you will receive a notification in the Notifications – You screen with the ability to Approve or Decline the request. You can also navigate to your Followers screen (tap the Followers metric on your profile), and any profiles pending approval will appear at the top of the Followers list.
Does anything happen to my existing followers when I set my profile to Private?
Changing your profile setting from Public to Private has no impact on your existing followers. Once your setting is updated to Private, any new followers must request your approval before they are able to view your profile details and content and to be included in your Followers list.
What happens when I add a collaborator to my profile?
Adding collaborators gives special attention to other profiles that may be your sponsors, a phographer, a journalist, closest friends, teammates, or any other profile for which you want to elevate attention. You can only add your followers as a collaborator. When you add a user as a collaborator, that user will receive a notification for approval. During this time, only you will see the collaborator listed as Pending Approval in the My Collaborators section of your profile. Once the other user approves the request, the collaborator will be visible to all other users who visit your profile.
How do I remove myself as a collaborator of another profile?
If you want to remove your status as a collaborator of another profile (user, group or event), navigate to that profile, tap the option menu to the right of the profile image, and select Remove Me As Collaborator.
How do I unfollow someone?
There are two ways to unfollow another user. First, you can navigate to the other user’s profile and tap the Following button below the user’s profile image. You will be prompted to confirm whether you want to unfollow the user. Alternatively, you can navigate to your own profile and tap the Following metric to access your Following screen. Find the user’s profile and tap the Following text to the right of the profile. You will be prompted to confirm whether you want to unfollow the user.
How do I share a link to my profile externally?
Navigate to your profile, tap the option menu to the right of your profile image, and choose the option to Share Profile URL. You will be prompted to choose which application with which to share the profile. Your unique profile link will be included in the default message.
How is my location used in the app?
Your location information is used in several areas of the app to enhance your experience and provide more relevant results. Location is used to provide relevant nearby suggested content in the Discover Feed. It is used by default in the Search screens to find relevant posts, vehicles, profiles, and events nearby your location. It is required to enable RoadSharing Mode and to locate yourself on the map.
If I use the Facebook Login feature, is my information shared and/or posted on Facebook?
We do not post to Facebook or share any information with Facebook without your explicit permission. We will request your permission before posting anything on any other application or platform.
If I originally signed up with email, can I later add my Facebook account?
You can login with your Facebook account and merge with your previous email-based account as long as your Facebook account and RoadStr account have the same email address.
How do I disable my account?
If you want to leave the RoadStr community, you can simply leave your account intact without any action and logout of the app. This way your posts and history will be available if you choose to rejoin the community. If you want to completely disable and remove your account, send an email to support@rockr.io indicating that you want to disable your account.
How do I change my garage cover photo?
You can change your garage cover photo by navigating to your garage and tapping the option menu located below the cover photo area and to the right of your profile image. Choose the option Edit Garage Cover Photo.
How do I add a vehicle to my garage?
From the main menu, select My Garage. Tap the car+ icon at the top right side of the screen and follow the prompts to add your vehicle.
How do I change the order of the vehicles in my garage?
Navigate to your garage. Tap the option menu next to the vehicle that you want to change position. Tap the Move Vehicle Up or Move Vehicle Down option to change its position relative to the other vehicles in your garage.
How do I remove a vehicle from my garage?
Navigate to your garage and to the vehicle you want to remove. Tap the option menu next to that vehicle and select Delete Vehicle.
My vehicle make and/or model is not listed. Can I still add it?
Yes, you can add custom make and models that are not included in the default list. In the Add Make or Add Model screen, simply type the name of your custom Make or Model. An option will appear immediately below for Adding your custom make or model. Tap it and you can save the custom information.
How can I easily find vehicles similar to mine?
You can easily find similar vehicles to yours by navigating to your garage and tapping the search icon at the top right of your vehicle’s photos. This will automatically open the search screen pre-populated with your vehicle’s make and model.
How do I create a group?
Navigate to the My Groups screen from the main menu. Tap the club+ icon at the top right side of the screen and complete the prompts to create a new group.
How can I control the content being posted to a group of which I am an admin?
There are varying levels of control available to group admins in relation to the content posted by Members of the group. These settings are controlled in the Edit Group screen, accessible from the group’s profile screen. There are three options for Post Permissions: Open, Members +, and Admin. Open setting allows any group member to tag the group in a post without the admin’s approval. Members + allows any group member to tag the group in a post, but the tag does not become active until approved by an admin. Admin setting only allows admin’s to tag the group in a post.
How can I control the membership admittance and privacy settings of a group of which I am an admin?
The app offers different ways to control the Members of your group, both during the Member admittance process and post-admitted Members. Member admittance settings are accessible in the Edit Group screen, which can be accessed from the group’s profile screen. \r\nThere are three options for the Group Privacy settings: Public, Members +, and Private. The Public setting allows users to become a Member of the group or to Follow the group without any approval by the admin. Members + setting allows other users to Follow the group without any approval, but becoming a Member requires Admin approval. A group with Private setting requires admin approval to both Follow or become a Member of the group. \r\nThe group’s details and content are viewable by any user when the Group Privacy settings are set to either Public or Members+. When the Group Privacy setting is set to Private, only approved Followers and approved Members may view the details and content of the group.
How can I remove a Member from a group of which I am an admin?
If you are an admin of a group, you can remove a member of that group by navigating to the group’s profile screen and tapping the Members metric. Inside the Members screen, find the profile of the user you want to remove and tap the “Member” text next to the user’s profile. Select Remove Member and confirm the change. The Member will be downgraded to a Follower.
What happens when I add a collaborator to my group?
Adding collaborators gives special attention to other profiles that may be your sponsors, closest friends, teammates, or any other profile for which you want to elevate attention. You can only add group followers (including Members and Admins) as a collaborator. When you add a user as a collaborator, that user will receive a notification for approval. During this time, only you as admin of the group will see the collaborator listed as Pending Approval in the Group Collaborators section of your profile. Once the other user approves the request, the collaborator will be visible to all other users who visit your group’s profile. The collaborator is also automatically added as Follower of the group (unless the collaborator is already a Follower, Member, or Admin of the group).
How do I remove other Admins from a group?
If you are an admin of a group with multiple admins, you can remove other admins by navigating to a group’s profile screen and tapping the “X users as admins” text. In the Admins screen, tap the “Admin” text next to the profile of the user you want to remove as Admin. You will be prompted to confirm the change. The Admin will be downgraded to Member status.
What happens if I change a group from Public to Members+, or Members+ to Private?
When changing a group’s privacy settings from Public to Members+, or Members+ to Private, there is no impact on the existing Followers and Members of the group. Users who are not Followers, Members, or Admins will need to request approval or may not view any content if the group is set to Private.
How do I approve a Member post when my group's Post Permissions are set to Members+?
When you are an admin of a group with Post Permissions set to Members+, you are asked to approve any posts tagged to the group by your group’s Member before the tag becomes active. When a Member tags a new post to the group, you and any other Admin of the group will receive a notification in the Notifications – You screen with the option to Approve or Decline the post. Once approved, the tag will become active and the post will be displayed in the group’s posts.
What happens when I change my group's Group Chat feature from On to Off?
If you have a group with the Chat feature On and change the settings to Off, the chat will appear disabled to all Members. Any prior conversations will not be deleted. You can re-enable the chat at a later date and continue the conversation from the prior point forward.
How do I create a post on behalf of my group?
If you are an admin of a group, you can create posts on behalf of the group. Initiate a new post by tapping the Add Post (+) button on the lower navigation bar. On the following splash screen, select the profile drop-down menu at the top right of the screen. You can select the group profile of any group of which you are an Admin. Proceed to create the post following the prompts.
How do I create an event on behalf of my group?
If you are an Admin of a group, you can create events on behalf of the group. Navigate to your group’s main info screen. Tap the calendar+ icon at the top right of the screen and follow the prompts to create the event on behalf of the group.
What is the difference between Following a group and being a Member of a group?
Following a group is a great way to keep up on the activities and posts shared by the group or within the group without being a fully participating Member. As a Follower, you will see posts tagged to the group within your Following Feed. You will receive suggested events from that group in your My Events screen. However you are not able to tag your own posts to the group. You cannot add your vehicle to the group garage. You will not be able to filter those group member in your RoadSharing visibility settings. \r\nAs a Member, you are a full participant in the group. You may tag posts to the group (tags may require approval by the group admin), you will receive suggested events from that group in your My Events screen, and you will be able to filter your RoadSharing visibility settings to see other active group Members. You can also add your vehicle to the group’s garage.
How can I add my vehicle to a group's garage?
When you request becoming a Member of a group, you will be asked whether you want to add any of your vehicle’s to the group’s garage. If at a later point in time you want to add an additional vehicle to the group’s garage, navigate to the group garage screen and tap the option menu to the right of the group’s profile image. Select Add My Vehicle and you will be prompted with the list of vehicles from your garage (not including vehicles that you already added to the group).
How can I remove my vehicle from a group's garage.
If you added your vehicle to a group’s garage and want to remove it, navigate to the group’s garage screen and locate your vehicle. Tap the option menu below your vehicle’s photos and select Remove Vehicle. Admins of a group have the ability to remove any vehicle from the group’s garage using the same method. \r\nWhen you leave a group as a Member, or if an admin removes you as a group Member, your vehicles are automatically removed from the group’s garage.
How can I edit my vehicle in the group's garage?
When you add a vehicle to any group garage, it is synchronized with the photos and details that you configure in your personal profile’s garage. You cannot edit separate versions of the vehicle for each group garage. When you edit a vehicle in your personal profile’s garage, those changes are automatically synced to any group garage that also contains your vehicle.
How do I cancel an event?
If you are the Host of an event, you can cancel the event by navigating to the Event’s info screen and tapping the option menu below the cover photo. Select the Cancel Event option. Attendees will be notified via a notification that the event is Canceled and the event will appear as Cancelled in the My Events screen.
How do I delete an event?
If you are the Host of an event, navigate to the Event’s info screen and tap the option menu below the cover photo. You must first Cancel the event by selecting the Cancel Event option. You can then Delete the event by tapping the option menu again and selecting Delete Event. The event will no longer be visible to any users and it will not be visible in the My Events screen of any user.
If I Edit the date, time, or details of the event, will attendees be notified?
If you edit the date, time, or details of an event, then all attendees will automatically receive a notification that the event was changed.
What are "Suggested" events?
Suggested events are visible in the My Events screen. You will be shown a suggested event for any public event created by users you are Following or events created by users who are Members of the same groups as you. This helps to raise awareness of events among group Members and friends without having to send invitations every time.
Is there an easy way to handle recurring events?
In order to assist with recurring events, you are able to duplicate an existing event in order to reduce the steps to create an event. Go to an existing event that you created previously and tap the option menu located beneath the event cover photo. Select the Duplicate Event option. All fields will be automatically populated with the same event details and settings. Simply update the date and time to the next recurring date and save the new event.
If I cancel an event, can I re-enable it?
You cannot undo an event Cancellation. Alternatively to Canceling the event, you can update the event to a different date and time if you want to reschedule.
If I delete an event, can I access it again?
Once an event is deleted, you can no longer access it. You will be prompted to confirm the event’s deletion. Only delete an event when you are sure you no longer want it to be accessed or displayed.
How can I limit the visibility of my Event?
When creating an event, the Event Privacy setting determines the visibility of your event to other users. Public events are visible to any user and may be shown in the feed to your Followers and may appear in relevant search results to other users. Public events also may be Suggested to your followers or to fellow group Members in their My Events screens. \r\nPrivate events are not displayed in the Feed to other users and do not show as Suggested events to other users in their My Events screen. Only Invited users will recieve a notification and be shown the event in their My Events screen.
Can non-invited users access my private event?
Private events details are not visible to non-invited users. They are not displayed in search results and are not shown on the Discover feed. A private event created by a group may be accessible to non-invited users in the group’s Upcoming Events screen. A Follower may access your individual event by viewing your Profile Activity page. If a non-invited user accesses the event’s info screen, the user will only be shown the cover photo and event name and the designation of “Private Event”. The user will not be able to access event details, invited or attending users, event posts, or event activities.
How do I control the content being posted to my event by other users?
When creating or editing an event, you can control the content tagged to your event through the Post Permission setting. The Open setting allows any attendee to tag your event in a post. The Approval setting allows any attendee to tag your event in a post, however the tag will not become active until you approve the post. You will receive a notification for each post pending your approval. Once the tag is approved, the post becomes active in the event’s Posts screen.
How can I share my event to one of my groups?
Your event will be Suggested to other Members of your groups in their My Events screens. Only Public events are suggested in this manner.
I accidentally declined an event. How can I access it again?
If you accidentally decline an event, there are several ways to access it again. If the event was Public, you can ask the host or any other attendee to send you an invitation to the event. You can also access the event host’s Activity screen and find the activity for the related event. \r\nFor Private events, ask the event host to send you another invitation.
How do I select a different vehicle or remove my vehicle from an event that I am attending?
You can always change or remove your vehicle from an event that you are attending by navigating to the Event’s Info screen, tapping the option menu below the event cover photo, and selecting the “Select Attending Vehicle” option. You will be prompted to select a vehicle from your garage, or you can select “None” to remove your vehicle from the event.
How can I easily invite all of my followers to an event?
You can easily invite all of your followers to an event by navigating to the event’s Info screen, tapping the option menu located below the event cover photo, and selecting the Send Invitations option. The first option will display your username and the phrase “ALL FOLLOWERS”. Selecting and saving this option will send an invitation to all of your followers that have not yet been invited.
How do I decline an event that I already marked Attending?
If you want to decline an event that you already marked Attending, navigate to the event’s Event Info screen. Tap the “Attending” button and you will be prompted to confirm whether you want to decline the event.
Can I send an event invitation to someone who has already received one?
You cannot send additional event invitations to someone who has already been invited to an event, who is already marked Attending to an event, or to the Host of the event. However you can send an additional invitation to someone who has already declined the event.
What happens when I receive a message from someone I do not follow?
Messages that are received from users you do not follow are separated from the main chat screen and do not trigger a notification. You will see a tab at the top of the main chat screen showing that you have “1 message request”. Tap the tab in order to access the message. If you choose to Allow the message, it will be moved to the Main Chat screen and you will begin receiving notificationis for additional messages from the user. If you choose Ignore, the message will be removed from your chats and the other user can no longer contact you directly.
How do I enable receiving chat messages from someone I previously chose to Ignore?
If you previously chose to Ignore a chat message from another user that you do not Follow, you can re-enable chat messaging by Following that user.
How do I mute or disable notifications for a specific chat?
To mute a chat, navigate to the Chat screen and tap the option menu. Choose Mute Chat.
How do I add posts to My Favorites screen?
You can easily add posts or other content to your My Favorites screen by tapping the star icon at the top right of posts, links and cars.
How do I remove posts from My Favorites screen?
The easiest way to remove posts or other content from your My Favorites screen is to go to the My Favorites screen, find and tap the item you want to remove to open it, and tap (deselect) the star icon.
What is the difference between the Following feed and the Discover feed?
The Following feed will display posts from all users you Follow, as well as items tagged to groups that you Follow or that you are a Member, and items tagged to the events you are attending or hosting.
The Discover feed displays suggested content from across the RoadStr community, tailored to your interests, brand preferences, and Location (if Location settings are enabled). It offers a great way to discover and stay up-to-date on popular users, topics, groups, events and more.
How can I improve the relevance of the content in the Discover feed?
You can improve the relevance of the content in the Discover feed by editting your profile to include additional interests and brand preferences. Additionally you can ensure that your Location is enabled in the App Settings screen and that your device’s location is enabled.
Am I able to add tags to a post?
You can add multiple types of tags to your posts. You can tag any of your approved Followers, events that you are hosting or attending and groups of which you are a member. Group and event tags may not be immediately active depending on the settings of the group or event. Your post will be included as a post in the profile of any user, event or group that you tagged.
The Discover feed displays suggested content from across the RoadStr community, tailored to your interests, brand preferences, and Location (if Location settings are enabled). It offers a great way to discover and stay up-to-date on popular users, topics, groups, events and more.
Can I change my post after I upload it?
At this time, you cannot edit your post once it is uploaded. If you notice a mistake in your post and want to make a correction, you can remove the post by accessing the option menu on your post and selecting Remove Post. Then repeat the post upload process.
How do I create a photo post?
You can create a photo post by pressing the “+” icon on the bottom navigation bar. Select the Photo Post option and follow the prompts to upload and save your Photo Post.
How do I create a link post?
You can create a link post by pressing the “+” icon on the bottom navigation bar. Select the Link Post option and follow the prompts to upload and save your Link Post. A Link Post allows you to share your favorite videos, articles, and other content from external websites with your friends on RoadStr.
How do I remove a tag of me from another person's post?
Go to the post with your tag and tap the option menu. Select Remove Me From Tag and you will be prompted to confirm the action.
Can I share videos in RoadStr?
Yes, you can add links to external videos by adding a Link post. Videos are playable directly from within the app.
How can I control my visibility to others when in RoadSharing Mode?
On the Map screen, when you have RoadSharing Mode enabled, tap the filter button on the upper right side of the screen. The Visibility Drop-Down will appear where you can adjust your visibility in relation to other users. When Anyone is enabled, all other users may see your position. Tapping the Followers option only shares your location with your Followers. Tapping Group Members only shares your location with other users who are Members of the same groups as you. Tapping Common Brands only shares your location with other users who have specified the same brand preferences in their profil as you. You may have any combination of Followers, Group Members, or Common Brands by tapping each setting On or Off.
The Discover feed displays suggested content from across the RoadStr community, tailored to your interests, brand preferences, and Location (if Location settings are enabled). It offers a great way to discover and stay up-to-date on popular users, topics, groups, events and more.
Who can see me when I'm in a RoadSharing group?
When you join a RoadSharing group with any number of users, the visibility of the entire group is based on the settings of the RoadSharing Leader. Check with your RoadSharing group leader in case you have concerns about the visibility.
Is there an easy way to create a large RoadSharing group without making and accepting individual requests?
There is an easy way to create large RoadSharing groups without making and accepting individual requests. This option is available only if you have not yet started a RoadSharing group, or if you are the leader of an existing RoadSharing group. Go to the Nearby Drivers screen and locate your vehicle. Tap the Share icon to the right of your vehicle. You will be prompted with a link that you can share with friends, group members, or anyone you choose. Those users can open the link in the app and can confirm that they want to join you in RoadSharing mode. Be careful to only share this with people you trust or want to join you in RoadSharing Mode. The link will remain active until you disable your RoadSharing Mode.
Can I search for events, posts, and other content in another location?
You can search for events, posts, cars, profiles, and other content related to another location by setting the location manually. In the search screens, tap the location icon to the right of the search bar and follow the prompts to select your location manually. If you have your Location settings turned On, you can select to use your device’s current location.
The Discover feed displays suggested content from across the RoadStr community, tailored to your interests, brand preferences, and Location (if Location settings are enabled). It offers a great way to discover and stay up-to-date on popular users, topics, groups, events and more.
How can I adjust the search filter for Nearby?
Depending on your geographic location, you can adjust the distance contained by the “nearby” search filter by accessing the My Settings screen from the main menu and navigating to App Settings screen. There you can adjust the Nearby Distance setting to a range between a minimum of 25 miles or 40 kilometers to a maximum of 200 miles or 325 kilometers. This range is also used to identify nearby drivers.
How can I adjust the search results to match my interests or my favorite brands?
Whether you are searching for posts, profiles, vehicles, or events, you can filter results that align with your interests or favorite brands by simply tapping the “My interests” or “My brands” filter buttons at the top of the search screen. Results will automatically filter based on matches with the interests and brand preferences that you set in your profile. You can always adjust your interests and brands by editing your profile.
How can I find events occurring on a particular date?
On the Search Events screen, tap the Calendar filter button towards the top of the screen. In the following prompt, you can select specific dates to include in the search.
How can I easily clear the search filters in order to obtain all results?
You can easily clear any search filters by tapping the “All” filter button at the top of any of the search screens.
How can I search for popular tags?
On each search screen, popular tags are listed below the search filters. You can scroll to the right to reveal additional popular tags. Select any of the tags in order to search for posts related to those tags.
How do I manage which notifications I receive?
You can manage your notifications by navigating to the My Settings screen and tapping the App Settings tab. Select the Notification Settings option. In the following screen you can set which items trigger a push notification.
The Discover feed displays suggested content from across the RoadStr community, tailored to your interests, brand preferences, and Location (if Location settings are enabled). It offers a great way to discover and stay up-to-date on popular users, topics, groups, events and more.
How do I report supsicious or harmful activity?
We appreciate your help in notifying us about suspsicious or harmful activity on the RoadStr community. If you see inappropriate content or behavior related to posts, profiles, events, or groups, tap the option menu available within the offending content and tap the Report option. Additionally you can notify us via the feedback form provided in the App Settings screen.
The Discover feed displays suggested content from across the RoadStr community, tailored to your interests, brand preferences, and Location (if Location settings are enabled). It offers a great way to discover and stay up-to-date on popular users, topics, groups, events and more.